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Auto Lab experts ensure your summer travel is safe and secure for the entire family.[/caption]Hard to believe, but summer is just around the corner and that welcome warm weather means it’s time for the “great American vacation.” Are you ready to enjoy the open road?You run down your mental checklist. Sure, you’ve got a fine snack selection. Yep, a variety of weather-flexible attire is packed. Fido and Fluffy are scheduled at the kennel. Just program the GPS and you’re off, right? Mmmm. Almost.Don’t take for granted your vehicle is prepared for the haul from Mundelein to Massachusetts or Lake Forest to Louisiana. Have the pros at Auto Lab of Libertyville check it from bumper to bumper and guarantee a smooth ride. The best time to make an appointment for a pre-trip inspection is a week or two before you hit the road. This lead time is helpful for several reasons:
- Guarantee getting an appointment.Scheduling an appointment a week or two before your trip ensures scheduling at a convenient time instead of becoming another checkbox in a frenzied last-minute, pre-trip to-do list. Planning to travel during a peak holiday, such as July 4th? Remember: The competition is fierce as lots of other motorists vie for those last-minute appointments.
- Ensure sufficient repair-completion time.Don’t be forced into delaying your trip or renting a car if your vehicle requires a major repair. Most repairs take only day or two, but some major fixes, such as a transmission or head-gasket replacement, demand several days to complete. Even with minor to mid-sized auto repairs, it’s smart to leave a little wiggle room in case of parts-delivery delays or other complications.
- Drive locally for a few days after repairs. Mistakes occur and even high-quality parts can fail. Several days might transpire before instilling confidence that some problems, particularly sporadically occurring situations, are correctly diagnosed and repaired properly. Leave time to cruise around town in Vernon Hills before your vacation, just to make sure your new tires are balanced properly or those new brakes stop smoothly.
Bring your car to Auto Lab in Libertyville and our ASE-certified technicians will ensure the following are ready for the trip ahead:
- A/C & heating
- battery
- belts and hoses
- brakes
- exhaust system
- fluid levels and condition—Including looking for leaks
- lights, wipers and horn
- suspension and steering
- tire tread and condition
- 4WD
If you have questions on your vehicle’s pre-vacation condition, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re happy to help.